Brian Keith Smith

Cofounder of Bractlet and Groove. Programmer, designer, and lifelong maker.

An Open Thank You Letter to Tim Ferriss (et al.)


I’m sure you get a lot of fan mail, but…just. Wow.

I offer my preemptive apologies for the effusiveness of what I’m about to write—but I’m bleeding at the typewriter1. I still haven’t taken my boots off after a grueling fourteen-hour workday2, but this can’t wait. I don’t have a choice. This letter has been writing itself in my head for the past hour and a half, to the point that this now feels as effortless and necessary and visceral as a sneeze or a really good shit you’ve been holding in for awhile. This is the first time in over two years that I’ve done a lick of introspective writing, and I sincerely contemplated pulling my car over on Texas State Highway 71 a few minutes ago to pen this. If there hadn’t been a dog in my apartment desperately waiting for a walk upon my return, I think I actually would have stopped.

I’m confident I will count my drive back from the job site...

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